Management Team

Lavonne Hollingsworth

Business Development Manager


Lavonne is responsible for account development and support, program development, and training for agencies throughout Illinois. She will assist your Department with implementation, roll-out, problem-solving, and training for alcohol and location monitoring programs.

Cristy Pirc

Operations Manager


As the Operations Manager, Cristy serves as the primary contact with the agencies and clients when the monitoring device is active. Cristy began her career with SCRAM Systems of Illinois as a customer service representative in 2007, and soon after became Operations Manager. Cristy manages the day-to-day operations, provides technical training for field agents and customer service training for our customer care representatives. Cristy also manages the financial accounts of all the counties where AMI operates, with up to 250 active participants. Prior to joining SCRAM Systems of Illinois, Cristy spent several years in customer service positions. However, it is Cristy’s personal experience with a drunk driver that has inspired her dedicated work in the area of offender monitoring and management. In addition to her career at SCRAM Systems of Illinois, Cristy has dedicated herself to advocacy and intervention, serving tirelessly as a MADD volunteer and victim advocate for over ten years.